Why use eco-friendly & plastic free cleaning products
While they may keep our homes as fresh as a daisy, household cleaning products are far from squeaky clean when it comes to their impact on the environment. Those harsh and toxic chemicals that can blast through grease and grime can also end up in rivers and oceans where they could affect aquatic life. And then there’s that little issue of plastic pollution – from nasty microplastics lurking in kitchen sponges to the 468 million cleaning spray bottles that get thrown away in the UK each year. So naturally, when the chance came along to try plastic-free cleaning products , we jumped. On a mission to reduce plastic waste, the brand is a real hub for everything from eco skincare to, and it even champions other eco brands. Pointing out that just 10 percent of plastics in the recycling bins even end up being recycled (yikes), its cleaning products opt for refillable bottles and plastic-free cleaning wipes all of which have been made in the UK, shrinking their carbon footprint. And without a...