Working With GoodWeave To Eliminate Child Labour
Over the past 20 years, Goodweave have been working tirelessly to end child labour in the carpet industry. They take a holistic approach to their work, harnessing market forces to clean up supply chains, promote education and improve conditions for all workers. They have saved over 6,740 children from child labour and given over 25,476 a quality education. GoodWeave provide partners such as Bazaar Velvet Rugs, with the confidence that their rugs will never be made by child labour. Child Labour in The Rug Industry Throughout South Asia, nearly 300,000 children are forced to weave rugs for the highly profitable handmade rug industry. Many of them are victim to their family’s debts and are sent off to work in dreadful conditions as young as seven years old. Others were kidnapped or trafficked. These children suffer from malnutrition, impaired vision and breathing, sexual abuse and injuries from using dangerous tools. So why have so many children found themselves in the workplace rather th...